Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Name is Jeannine and I'm a Craft-aholic.....

Oh how I love to shop at Ben Franklin Crafts! And Michael's, and quilt shops, and fabric shops....Yesterday, when I should've been working, I was scouring the aisles of Ben Franklin's looking for purchase-worthy items. I always manage to buy something!

So for my fabric collection, I bought some Halloween material - just small amounts of each; some pumpkin colored fabric, and the other has spell books and potion bottles on a black background. It was a must have!! Also I splurged and bought myself a hard bound sketch book that I'm going to not only draw in, but also put in my clippings of ideas from magazines, etc. that I come upon. I've got this collection of little sketches and doodles that I have, they're everywhere. Now I can put them all in one book, and use it as a "reference" resource.

Finally, I had to do something about the dreadful lighting in my craft room. I've tried everything to illuminate my paint table in my effort to see, and I had to succumb to an overhead shop light. I know - totally unattractive, but to those of us who are truly blind as a bat, no matter how many pairs of magnifying glasses we have, I can see now!

1 comment:

Foolish Notions Vintage said...

Jeannine, don't you just love fall? I am such a little kid. I love pumpkins and had such a time with them the past 6 yrs and my clay soil until I could get it just right.
Glad you liked the post, not too much time left and Hallows Eve will be here!